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Hear from our customers

Since launch in December 2023, we have helped homeowners across California replace their fossil-fuel burning water heater with a high-efficiency heat pump water heater that is better for their home and cleaner for the planet. But don't just take our word for it. Here is what they have to say:

Helping homeowners make smart energy choices

With Onsemble, Andy Smith was finally able to replace his 20 year old gas water heater. The alternate process was so painful.

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An experienced electrician’s journey to electrification

Josh Picillo had already done his research and understood the importance of replacing his home’s fossil-fuel burning appliances when he first spoke with Onsemble.

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An electrical overhaul that was totally worth it

Mitch Genser, a home electrification ‘trailblazer’ was overwhelmed by high electrical quotes and navigating incentives, when he turned to Onsemble.

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My client has been interested in electrifying his home for several months. Because of the complex incentive and contractor landscape, each attempt to start the process ended in frustration. With Onsemble, we scoped and finished the installation of our heat pump water heaters within two weeks. We could not have done this without the support, education, and advocacy provided by the Onsemble team.

Catherine C., San Francisco, CA

This install could have easily been a nightmare if it wasn’t for your team’s oversight. Again, thanks for all the help in this project--literally would not have happened without Onsemble.

Andrew G., San Francisco, CA

I can not believe how simple you made this project. The way you coordinate multiple installers and can schedule them right away is so impressive.

William R., Orange, CA